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 Closet & Storage Conference
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Registration for our 12th Annual Closet Summit Conference and Vendor Expo will begin in March and enrollment is limited to the first 300 who register.
Effective Immediately:
The Summit is now restricted to CIAMO members ONLY.
Sonesta Nashville Airport Hotel Nashville, TN

October 15th (5pm) - 17th (2pm), 2025

The Only Closet & Storage Conference Exclusively for  Independent Closet Business Owners, Managers, Key Staff and Invited Vendor Partners.
We never co-locate our events with other non-closet groups or associations.

The Closet Summit Conference & Vendor Expo is now exclusively for CIAMO members only.

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"As always, Jeff and the Summit team delivered in a big way in

Charlotte in 2024.

Can't wait to see what they cook up for Nashville in 2025".   

Christian ~ Ruffino Closets ~ LA

Registration for the Nashville Summit begins in March.

Registration fees include: all seminars, sessions, panel discussions, round tables, happy hours, Vendorama Expo, 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, local host company showroom/shop tours


Only one Primary CIAMO company membership ($349/year) is required for all staff attendees to qualify and receive the Summit discount/person conference registration rate.

If you are a CIAMO member,
proceed to Summit Conference Registration Pricing

STOP: If you are NOT a CIAMO Member first,
join at the link below

Larry Closet Solutions FL
"Loved the Summit!  Great insights into the closet industry from those who know!"
Larry - Closet Solutions - FL

Informative Speakers 

Most hired professional motivational speakers use canned presentations that add in the Closets topic the night before the conference. Our Speakers are not 'experts' from outside our industry. We choose Closet Titans from within the closet industry: knowledgeable veteran closet entrepreneurs who have,  'Been There, Mastered That'.

Round Tables 

Round table discussion groups are the most requested venue at our Summit conferences. Topics are selected in advance based on suggestions from the CIA membership. Notes are taken at every session and are then collected and summarized. then sent via email to the entire group after the Summit. It's like attending 15 different sessions at the same time

Lisa, Artisan Custom Closets ATL
"I was very pleased with the openness to share from all of the attendees."
Connie - Precision Upstate Closets - NY
"The roundtables were rocking!"
Lisa, - Artisan Custom Closets - ATL
Beth - CCF Industries - Vendor
"The networking Meet & Greet event prior to the Summit was a great ice breaker for us since this was our first one".
Beth - CCF Industries - Vendor


Summit networking begins from the moment you arrive at the hotel. The group stays together for the entire 2-days. Starting with Wednesday evening's Meet, Greet & Eat, through two breakfasts and two lunches, tour buses to our host company's  shop & showroom tour, sessions, round tables, and after-hour adult beverages networking at the hotel bar. We boast it's the most networking of all our industry events.


Our Vendor and Supplier partners are not satisfied being put in an Expo Hall waiting for their '15 minutes of fame'. We give them 15 hours worth. They are involved in every aspect of the Summit: attending presentations, round tables and social gathering. Their main event is a dedicated session where they conduct their own seminars and How-To Workshops during our dedicated Vendorama.

Kim -  LB Classic Closets - MO

"This is a great conference for closet vendors to attend and have a very specific audience that is highly interested in everything closet!"

Kim -  LB Classic Closets - MO

Ricky - Closet Concepts - TX
"I had thoughts of waiting until next year to attend the Summit, but  I told myself "don't cheat yourself, treat yourself"
Well I treated myself to be around great leaders to help my company grow in the right direction. I really loved the tours".
Ricky - Closet Concepts - TX


An exclusive feature of Summits is to always include a local host closet company showroom/shop tour of a CIA member's facility. This year Storage Solutions Manufacturing/Closet Rehab will host hundreds of Summiteers and conduct guided tours of their State-of-the-Art manufacturing plant, culminating in another tour of Element-Designs new facility, including a catered dinner and bar.

After-Hours Fun

Join us as we take a much needed break and have some serious fun at our annual belt-sander races with betting and prizes. Place your bets and perhaps win great prizes or cash jackpots, all happening during our adult beverage Happy Hour and BBQ at Closet & Cabinet Experts.

Brian - Komandor Canada Closets
"The day will come when the NASCARBS trophy and The Stanley Cup return to Toronto!"
Brian - Komandor Canada Closets
Leo & Cheryl - Cardinal Closets - KY

"Loved the information and wisdom presented by Rico Wiiliams-Super Installer.. Please bring him back at Salt Lake City!"


Leo & Cheryl - Cardinal Closets - KY

Installation Jubilation

Another Summit exclusive.
One thing all CIA closet businesses share in common is our installation teams: the guys who 'Bring Home the Bacon'. As the anchormen of our operations, we are honored to give them an opportunity to add to our collective business growth strategies by inviting them to participate in our conference.

Delicious Meals

Your registration includes two happy hours (with goodies), two breakfasts, two luncheon buffets, and Thursday evening's dinner. With all of the information overload you will be experiencing at the Summit, we realize the importance of feeding your bellies as well as your minds. All meals are a networking opportunity.
Delicious Meals Closet Summit
Paul - Carolina Closets - SC

"The greatest part  of the Summits is, as always, the networking, seeing old friends. making new ones, getting updates from everyone and general merry-making".


Paul - Carolina Closets - SC

Great Group

Regardless of where along your 'Closet Journey' you are, the main requirements for admittance to the Summit is your willingness to share your knowledge, experiences and advice with others. Rookies and veterans are all treated equally. Welcome to our Family Reunion.
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Exclusive CIA Member's Only Summit Activities

Private Meet, Greet & Eat Annual Membership Meeting

Private Meet, Greet & Eat
Annual Membership Meeting
Starting at 5pm, Wednesday Evening

Our annual in-person meeting takes place on Wednesday evening before Thursday's conference begins. CIA Members gather for a brief informal networking cocktail hour(s) for industry updates and projections for future growth. Adult beverages and snacks are provided to insure the event remains fluid and enlightening. 

"I learned enough valuable information and insights at the Meet & Greet, BEFORE the Summit actually began, to more than justify the cost of registration. After the next two days, I suffered serious Information Overload, fearing my brains would fall out before I returned home to implement the great business building things I learned."

Dave - We Do Closets - Canada

 SEALS Teams

 SEALS Teams


Another Summit Exclusive.

CIA Members participate in our restricted non-compete affinity groups based on company size, experience and gross sales, Three hours of comparing confidential data pricing, design and sales techniques, labor relations, and general business shared among trusted peers.

"The SEALS team is the primary reason we come to the Summit.

We use our Sales/Employee ratio to compare our company's performance to others in the industry of similar size. This becomes our 'report card' which tells us how we can improve our efficiency and profitability."

Jeff - Everything Closets - TN

Join CIAMO - CIA Members-Only first for

huge savings on Summit registration
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Sign up for our informative, educational and sometimes witty e-newsletter!

If you feel it's wasting your time, unsubscribe at any time.
We already have over 3000+ independent closet business owners receiving this timely e-news blast.

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